Academic Advising
INTO Mason’s Academic Advisors help students in the Academic English and Pathway programs reach their academic goals.
Academic English: Academic English Advisors can help you understand your progress and study plan choices. Your advisor can help you apply to a Pathway program or for direct admission to George Mason.
Undergraduate: Undergraduate Pathway advisors will register you for classes and facilitate a successful transition to your degree program.
Graduate: Graduate Pathway advisors will register you for classes and facilitate a successful transition to your degree program.
How to Make an Appointment with an Academic Advisor?
- After the second week of classes, you may make appointments by using the online appointment system:
- You may also email or email your advisor directly to request an appointment.
- If you do not have an appointment but wish to speak with an advisor, you can ask the Welcome Desk staff if the advisor is available.
Personal Advising
The Student Experience Team advises on personal matters of care, conduct, housing, and engagement. If you need personal advising, come to the Welcome Desk in the Global Center or email
Immigration Advising
The University’s Office of International Programs and Services (OIPS) coordinates with INTO Mason on a number of outreach efforts to advise AE and pathway students on maintenance of F1 status. You may request additional information or make an appointment by emailing
Other Resources

All students at Mason have advisors dedicated to help them achieve success by selecting the best classes to fit their needs. At INTO Mason, you will meet with an advisor who specializes in your program of study each semester.