Benjamin Flaig, IT Business Partner

portrait of Ben Flaig


Phone: +1 814 799 4606

Office: 1205 Ángel Cabrera Global Center

Benjamin Flaig is the IT Business Partner for INTO George Mason University. Ben joined the team in 2019 and is responsible for managing the integration between INTO Mason’s data systems and the wider university systems. He also provides data analysis and tech leadership on a variety of projects, giving insight on how technology can be used to increase efficiency in various operational tasks and leading initiatives to implement new tech-driven solutions.

He came to INTO Mason with 4 years of experience working in the international higher education field, having spent that time on INTO University Partnerships’ North America IT Team. As a result of his prior exposure to the field and wide working relationships with other INTO partners, he is able to bring insights and best practices from similar operations across the country.

Benjamin holds a BS in Information Systems Management from Clearwater Christian College in Florida. Prior to working with INTO and INTO Mason, he worked for a continuing education company innovating in the online education sector for licensed professions.   

Outside of his professional interests, Benjamin enjoys learning more about technology and the world, as well as volunteering with a local organization that supports other volunteer initiatives to enhance their reach and visibility.