Mindi Maline
Mindi Maline is an English Language Tutor in the Learning Resource Center. She's worked at INTO Mason since 2019. Mindi is also an adjunct instructor of ESL at Northern Virginia Community College's American Culture and Language Institute. She's taught there since 2009 in both their part-time and intensive English programs, and also taught several electives including Current Events and Contemporary Issues, Reader's Theater, and Vocabulary and Spelling. Prior to beginning at NVCC, Mindi taught ESL with the Fairfax County Adult and Community Education Program, and also worked at the U.S. Department of Education as a Program Specialist with a focus on issues in postsecondary education and adult learning.
Mindi's love of working with international student has led her to several volunteer roles. She and her family are in their 6th year of hosting a student from the Community College Initiative Program which is run through the State Department. She also is tutoring several Afghan refugees in English. In addition, Mindi enjoys cooking, hiking, music, reading, and art. She's currently focusing on improving her skills with watercolors.
Mindi has a MA degree in Higher and Adult Continuing Education from the University of Michigan, and a BA degree in psychology from the University of Rochester.